Terms & Conditions for Coromandel Youth Photography Competition

  • Entrants must be under the age of 18 as at 30th November 2023.
  • Entrants must reside in the TCDC area of the Corormandel Peninsula. i.e. Thames Ward, Coromandel-Colville Ward, Mercury Bat Ward, Tairua-Pāuanui Wardn, or Whangamatā Ward. See TCDC Wards for clarity: https://www.tcdc.govt.nz/Our-Council/About-our-Council/Our-Wards-Information
  • All images submitted must have been taken in 2023, but can have been taken anywhere in the world.
  • Entrants must have appropriate rights and permissionrelating to the subject matter of their entries.
  • Entries must originate as one or more photographsmade by the entrant (AI generated images are not acceptable).
  • Images may consist of several layers, but each non-adjustment layer must contain only images originally captured by the entrant using a camera of some kind.  Textures and overlays purchased or obtained online are thus specifically not allowed.
  • Electronically generated patterns (e.g., fractals and commercially purchased “textures”) are not permitted.  This includes “textures” created by such software as Nik Analog Efex “Dirt and Scratches”.
  • Images may be modified by the entrant using editing software, including the use of presets and styles.
  • Any modification of the image must be made by the entrant.
  • An image may be entered into only one category:

For the avoidance of doubt, images by the same author that differ only slightly from one another, or differ only by computer treatment (e.g. colour vs. monochrome), or variations of a crop (where the point of interest is the same) will be regarded for these terms and conditions as being the same image.

  • The organiser & Judges reserve the right to disqualify any entry it deems unsuitable to the nature of the Salon.
  1. FEES
  • Entry is FREE.
  • If you would like judge’s feedback on an image that has been entered, the fee is $5 per image.
  • Payment for feedback must be made prior to the close of the competition and by PayPal (or credit card via PayPal) before the feedback requirement is accepted.  If you cannot pay by PayPal, you must contact the organiser at karen@karenmcleodphotography.com for special exemption and to make other arrangements.

The 2023 Coromandel Peninsula Youth Photography Competition has two age groups 12 – 17 years and 11 years & under and two categories – Portrait and Street/My Community.

  • Portrait – a person or group of people and can include creative portraits (as long as all the items in the image are the photographers own work), Colour or Mono
  • Street/My Community – an image that is not posed, but captures daily life in the photographers’ own community.

All categories will be for digital images only.

  • You may enter up to 2images in each category/section, for a maximum entry of 4 images per person.
  • Images can be captured on DSLR cameras, compact cameras, Phones or GoPro’s.
  • All images must comply with the following requirements:
  • Images must be 330ppior higher resolution.
  • Images are to be 2000 pixels on the long side.
  • All files must be in JPEG format.
  • Images must not contain any logos or watermarks.
  • You need to be able to provide any exif data if requested by the judges (the details contained in the image taken)

Image name must NOT include your name only the title of the image and the category e.g.




  • Copyright to entries remains at all times with you (the entrant).
  • You (the entrant) hereby grant the right to reproduce entries for publicity or other purposes related to the Photography Competition, and the winning images reproduced for the purpose of an exhibition.
  • We will not divulge any of your personal details to anyone without your permission.
  • We will use your details ONLY for important communication with you regarding the Photography Competition.

The organisers and Judges will not be liable for any claims relating from your copyright or privacy infringements or disputes.